Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday, Monday

Today, I attempted and failed to go to work, failing because my boss at the Goethe sent me home on account of my everlasting (or at the least, everlasting through this past weekend and beyond) cold. Don't get me wrong -- I'm not complaining in the slightest! She's more than happy to let me stay at home tomorrow as well, and I'll be quick to take her up on the offer. I've always preferred to hear the downside of things first, so bad news is that because I'm sick (and I am taking off of work, after all) I won't be able to go to the Culture Matters German-American conference in Tubingen conducted by a Columbia professor. The upside is that I came home this morning to find a cardboard Amazon package on the doorstep, which means that my Holga Starter Kit came! Naturally, a celebration dance was in order. The second part to that upside (wait, there's more?) is that I'm about to go brew some of that tea from Israel and finish Love Actually.

"Un voisin profite de la naïveté d'Amélie pour lui faire croire que son appareil a un défaut: il déclenche des accidents. Comme elle a pris des clichés toute l'après-midi, un doute affreux l'assaille le soir venu. Elle s'effondre devant la télé, accablée par la responsabilité d'un gigantesque incendie, de deux déraillements, et du crash d'un Boeing 747."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The World Through a Plastic Lens

I ordered my Holga today! Ahhhhhh.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday Night

One of the many reasons why I love my host family...

After I rambled on about something in a Russian accent
HM: "She can really do that accent."
HD: "You're definitely ready for International Relations."

   "I'm like a freaking quilt."

HD: "That's what you should tell them (college applications): 'I'm like a freaking quilt.'"


Me, talking about someone
HD: "You DO know that if I ever meet him I'm going to beat him up, right?"
HM: "... You want to beat him up?"

       "I feel it's my duty as a hostfather."


And the most epic one, by none other than yours truly...
       "I woked up disappointingly early."* 

We're still cracking up about it, as in "I must've woked up on the wrong side of the bed!"

*Disclaimer: I was on DayQuil (my host dad found this ridiculously amusing). 

But I do love these people to death. :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

"Was ist los", you ask?

List formats are easier. Also, I seriously think my brain cells are slowly dying from constantly working on college applications.

1. I'm well into my (second) internship at the Goethe Institut.
2. And it's pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself.
3. My boss spent five years at the Goethe in Paris. And she likes me. And she wants me to stay. Helllo, job opportunities?
4. I'm soaking it in. All of it.
5. I have a million photos of trees. Changing colors, that is.
6. With my limited funds, I'm desperately trying to decide between a new pair of boots or a Holga. It's a girl thing.
7. The Isbitsky's and the Szostak/Isbitsky went on an excursion to Colmar yesterday to visit family friends.
8. It was good. Literally. I mean the food. :)
9. Highlights of yesterday: speaking French again, Champagne from Champagne, good wine, good food and good atmosphere, to generalize.
10. Saturday: IKEA with Anja, the chipped glass and the Family Card, taking pictures of our eyes, Black Beauty and Spiderman, Adam decided to make dinner, I learned how to cut against the grain!, we were all ridiculously cute and best of all -- it was home.
11. I'm probably making things too complicated in my head. Life is an adventure, so what is there to lose?
12. Continuing on that same thought process... I've started to work almost exclusively on my American U of Paris application.
13. I think this past weekend and a culmination of recent events caused a rather large light bulb to go off in my head at 11:30 last night, so the college essay is well on it's way.
14. What I'm not looking forward to is going to Stuttgart to take SAT Subject Tests.
15. I'm getting the travel bug again, I want to visit exchange student friends, I want to go to Morocco, but I'm excited for our England trip. But also, I've come to realize that it's the people that make the place.